Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Yellow Dog Project

Have you seen someone walking a dog with a yellow ribbon lately? If so, they may be part of the Yellow Dog Project, which is a global movement for owners of dogs that need extra space. The yellow ribbon works as a signal to others to ask before coming near and to use caution when approaching these dogs.

These dogs are not necessarily aggressive dogs but often may be dogs that have issues of fear, have not had sufficient training, mastered obedience or are in training for work or service or other reasons.  The wearing of the yellow ribbon may be temporary but whatever the reason it is not an excuse. Keep in mind that if you have an aggressive dog you must seek proper training from a qualified professional.

By wearing the yellow ribbon you are identifying that your dog has space issues, that they may be in training for these issues and you are taking responsibility for your dog’s actions. As this is a relativity new project many people are not aware of it so you cannot assume you can let your guard down once you put a yellow ribbon on your dog.

The Yellow Dog Project may prevent injuries by reminding people to approach with caution it does not prevent owners from legal consequences if their dog bites or harms you. As a dog owner you are encouraged to find a local positive reinforcement trainer and to look for programs to help you with your dog.

Mississippi follows the “One Bite Rule,” which is a bit of a misnomer. It implies that every dog gets one "free" bite (free for its owner) and from then on the owner is on notice that the dog is dangerous. It is true that if a dog bites someone, its owner is on notice that the dog is dangerous. Less serious behavior, is also enough to put an owner on notice. For example, if a dog growls or snaps at people, the owner should know that the dog may injure someone and if the dog does hurt someone, the owner will be liable, even for the first bite.

If you have been a victim due to a dog bite or attack you should contact an experience personal injury attorney at Hopkins, Barvié & Hopkins, P.L.L.C. and we will evaluate your case at no cost or obligation. With more than 66 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys offer clients throughout Mississippi the representation they need.

Contact us online or call 228-864-2200 to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer.

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