Thursday, December 19, 2013


Bad faith is when an insurance company has illegally denied or delayed paying a valid claim. Doing so can have consequences for you and your loved one. Insurers have a duty to act in good faith toward their policyholders; failure to do so can be considered bad faith. If this happens, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against your insurance company. In cases where the insurance company's conduct is beyond unreasonable, punitive damages may be awarded. 
Bad faith can occur with automobile insurance coverage for collision, comprehensive losses, medical payments, homeowner’s coverage, commercial insurance and mishandling liability insurance claims. If a claim is denied, the insurer must explain to the insured the reason for the denial and the policy provision supporting that denial. There are numerous additional ways that an insurance company may act in bad faith to deny legitimate claims. The following are types of conduct with may be bad faith:
·         Repeatedly lost or misplaced paperwork/documents, requiring you to fill out the same paperwork over and over;
·         Ignored information for your doctor indicating you have a valid medical problem;
·         Delaying payment of a claim, which puts you in position of having to cover expenses while waiting for the claim to be paid;
·         Paying only partial benefits for a claim;
·         Offering an amount below what the claimant is entitled to;
·         Using a policyholder's previous claims as grounds to deny a new claim;
·         Misrepresenting important facts or insurance policy provisions as they relate to coverage;
·         Misuse of claimants' medical records;
·         Canceling a policy after a claim is made; and
·         Ignoring an expert’s opinion in cases where that opinion would result in a claim being paid out (such as finding that a death was suicide when a medical examiner has ruled it accidental);

If a claim is denied, the insurer must explain to the insured the reason for the denial and the policy provision supporting that denial

If you have to file an insurance claim for any reason, chances are you already have suffered enough. We work to help you make sure you do not suffer again at the hands of your insurance company. Call Hopkins, Barvié & Hopkins, P.L.L.C. if you have been denied a legitimate insurance claim, and we will evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation. With more than 65 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys offer clients throughout Mississippi the representation they need.

Contact us online or call 228-864-2200 to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer.

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