Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

We have all read or heard the recent stories regarding distracted drivers. A couple examples are:

In 2017, State Farm Found that 82% of those surveyed considered talking on a hand-held cell phone while driving to be distracting, yet half reported doing just that.  They also found that 35% owned up to texting while operating a vehicle.  Nine Americans die per day in crashes that involve the driver;s attention being diverted.  

In 2015, Michigan saw more than 7,000 motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. More than 3,400 people were injured -- and 26 were killed. Those numbers are up from 2014, in which 14 people were killed and 2,429 others were injured.

Keep in mind that ANY activity that can divert your attention away from the task of driving is considered distracted driving. This includes but is not limited to anything that involves using your cell phone; Eating or drinking; Engaging with passengers, children or pets; Applying make-up or shaving; or reading a map. If you need to do any of these pull your vehicle over and handle them safely.

If you are one of the 82 percent of American drivers that believe hands free devices are safer than using a handheld phone the National Safety Council (NSC) states that is not the case. More than 30 studies have shown hands free devices are no safer because the brain remains distracted by conversation. The NSC stated that when talking on a cell phone, drivers can miss seeing up to half of what’s around them, such as stop signs, traffic lights and pedestrians.

So put down your cell phone, do not text and drive, stop eating that sandwich when driving and keep your hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road. Take the pledge to drive cell free.

We urge you to educate yourself on the dangers of distracted driving. To practice safe driving habits and to speak out if the driver in your vehicle is distracted. And remember that Mississippi House Bill 389 becomes effective July 1, 2015 which prohibits drivers from typing, sending or reading text messages, emails or social media messages.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a distracted driver you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney at Hopkins, Barvié & Hopkins, P.L.L.C and we will evaluate your case at no cost or obligation. Contact us online or call 228-864-2200 to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer.

At Hopkins, Barvié & Hopkins, P.L.L.C., we defend your interests and protect your legal rights. With more than 67 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys offer our clients throughout Mississippi the representation they need.

To best meet the needs of our diverse client base, we speak Spanish. Los Abogados Hablan Espanol.

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