Friday, December 14, 2012


The holidays are a difficult time for many people especially for injured workers. If they are receiving workers compensation checks they can be late due to interrupted mail service, or bad weather, or adjusters taking vacation time. Many doctors’ offices cannot find appointment times for new patients or you cannot get an appointment to see your doctor. Hospital and surgical centers are overbooked with patients wanting to avoid a new annual deductible under their health insurance.
It is difficult enough dealing with the injury you have sustained without the added burden of the holidays on you. Our years of experience in workers’ compensation law allow us to resolve cases quickly.  Worker's Compensation litigation is generally considered to be simpler than traditional injury litigation, as it takes place in an administrative setting and may involve relaxed evidentiary rules. Workers typically need to hire a workers compensation lawyer when they are refused benefits to which they are entitled, are told that they can return to work before they are actually medically able, or are denied extended or permanent disability despite significant disabling injury. If your employer sends you to a doctor who declares that you are able to return to work even though you don't believe you are yet able, or tries to get you to return to work to a special job created to accommodate your injury, you should consider speaking to a workers compensation lawyer right away.
It is beneficial to go to a lawyer who handles a lot of Worker's Compensation cases. Typically, those lawyers will know the administrative judges or hearing officers who preside over compensation hearings and may also know the doctors and defense lawyers who are trying to block your claim. Using an attorney who knows the ins and outs of the system can help ensure that you collect the benefits that are due or, if you are so inclined, get a maximum pay-off to settle your compensation claim.
If you suffered a workplace injury, you need to hire an experienced workers' compensation attorney who can help make sure you receive the benefits you need. At Hopkins, Barvié & Hopkins, P.L.L.C., we help you find the answers. With more than 65 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys offer clients throughout Mississippi the representation they need.
Contact us online or call 228-864-2200 to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer. And, let us know how you found a way to celebrate the holidays without incurring more debt. Happy Holidays.

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